
E163 || Kevin and Stewart || New Year, New Goals

Stewart Shurtleff & Kevin Carey Season 5 Episode 2

It's a new year! 

... but we had some of the same tech troubles this week. 

Kevin and Stewart tried out a new "on the road" format and the recording dipped pretty significantly, cutting short the episode.  However, what remained is classic first-of-the-year 17Twenty content about goal setting and accountability as the guys challenge each of you to make 2024 the best year ever!

Keep Moving Mountains! 

|| Show Notes ||

Time Perception & Entrainment by Dopamine, Serotonin & Hormones

James Van Der Beek Narrates Surprise #1 Bestseller One Night In A Thousand Years

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Grab your copy of the Mountain Mover Manual: How to Live Intentionally, Lead with Purpose, and Achieve Your Greatest Potential, by Kevin Carey

Originally in print:

And now available on Audible:

Speaker 1:

Oh, we did you there, hello you there, hello. Every single individual has a story to tell and they're great stories that need to be heard.

Speaker 2:

I Want every listener to know they have the ability to change the world.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the 1720 podcast. What's up? Mountain movers, welcome back to the 1720 podcast. This week Kevin and I tried something new. We tried to record a new format while we were both in the car headed from one place to another, because our schedules have just been Hectic and finding time to get together to record has been difficult. But unfortunately the technology that we used to do this failed us. So the first 15 to 20 minutes of the podcast, where we recorded Summary about Christmas and the things that have been going on and an update about you know, various things in our lives, it just got completely lost. Kevin's audio was going to X and it was not lined up on top of my audio. It was a complete disaster. So we may or may not revisit that episode format, but for today I'm just gonna drop us into the section of the audio that was working. It'll come a little bit out of left field, it'll sound a little crazy, but at least with a little bit of background here you guys will know what's going on.

Speaker 2:

Traction. You've read traction, haven't you? You know, I don't think I got all the way through it, which is weird for me, but also not, because last year I decided like if I'm not fully engaged in it, I gotta move on to the next one. The list is very long. We have guests that give us two to three every week Leaders, mentors, counterparts. It's like, okay, I'm gonna move to the next one. So I don't remember if I got all the way through it, but I know a lot of people that do EOS. Start with that book.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah. So I had breakfast with Michael Blakemore the other day. We were talking about it and he was Very high on it and I was into it just a little bit and we started having a very interesting conversation around it. So we're we're chewing through that and I'm very excited about it so far, and I'm gonna oh, two other things. So Adam Tarnow I remember Adam from a I don't know, maybe 60 episodes ago. He actually pushed out this last week, like here's how I read so many books, sort of email newsletter, and one of one of his Seven points I forget what they were was if you ain't into it, just move on. Like it's not that deep, right, and so I used to be. That's probably part of my. I hate to read is because I don't want to be a quitter and I would just be like grinding through something I hated and just learned to hate it. But it's good advice. It ain't that deep like. If you're not feeling it, move on.

Speaker 2:

Man, there's way too many books out there that just be grinding through something you hate. So millions, millions of books.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, um, and then I'll make you a third one here. This is also a little pitch or not pitch prop I don't know what the right word is uh, for my buddy, kent Ravele, who we had on some time ago. He I don't know all the right words if I have a lunch with him next week to get all the details but he bought the rights to this book called I think it's called one night in a thousand years, and then got James Vanderbeek from varsity blues remember that guy, mm-hmm to read or narrate, I guess, the audio book, and so that's the book. I actually am listening to that one. I take back what I said earlier I'm listening to that one because Vanderbeek narrated it and it's uh, man, it's, it's.

Speaker 1:

It's not a business book, I'm reading it for pleasure and it has been one of these things that I texted Kent the other day Like I have hung on every word of this thing. I got stucked into it from the, from the preview, and it was hung on every word and it's um, I think it's kind of a generally a coming of age story, a la dead poet society, and it's been great. So if you all are looking for something for to read for fun, or listen to for fun. Uh, I'm eight or nine chapters in so far and it's super duper. So that's it.

Speaker 2:

That's I'm reading three books, yeah.

Speaker 1:

My goal was one a month and so I guess if I picked up three immediately, if I get these finished, these three finished in the first quarter, I will count that as a victory.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, absolutely, man. It's huge. It's like three X from last year.

Speaker 1:

I know you can't. It's like dividing by zero breaks the system. It's not even an X. You can't X this. This is because last year was zero to the moon, yeah Right, so those are. Those are the three. Uh, Brett, wedding ring One. One book per month, Uh well, and the other one was exercise, but they're trying to figure out the why, Um, and so I've packaged a Y around exercising. It is non derivative of scoring 30 points on Sundays. Um, so that's, that's my three.

Speaker 2:

That's awesome, man, and you're already rocking and rolling on the reading one, which is great. What's the game plan for the exercise one?

Speaker 1:

Um, I don't really have a great plan, other than, uh, jake pushed out to this hundred pushups, hundreds, setups and a bunch of other couple of things I don't know if you saw that email and so we've been trying to do that. It's not great, it's not like a marathon, but that's okay. Yeah, actually, the most religious to this is Stella. He has done her pushups and setups every day, every day, and sometimes she'll come in and hit me. She's like, dad, have you done yours today? And I'm like no, yeah, so that's the. The very short plan is this just do it If it's a set of server day that's.

Speaker 2:

That's a plan, and accountability comes in all shapes, sizes and ages. Dude, how cool is that.

Speaker 1:

If I told you, speaking of accountability and all shapes and sizes, if I told you the story about me and William running. One day this is about three years ago and we were hitting with it. He was, he was running cross country and it was at that time where he was like I had pushed him for years when we would go jogging Like, hey man, come on, you got a lot of I just kind of in his ear the whole time. And this particular day I'm actually driving right by where we were when he said it, cause I'm getting close to my house and, uh, I was lagging behind and he was kind of running me down and he turned back to me and he goes come on, dad, he's got to push a little harder. Your body is strong. Get your mind to its week. I was like, oh man, it got me so good it's do yes.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, this was like three years ago, it was 12 or 13. And uh, so anyway, yeah, to your point. It comes in all sizes. That one's from those two are from the kid, but yeah, it comes in all shapes and sizes.

Speaker 2:

I love it, man. I do genuinely love hearing other people's goals and the game plan to get there, and every year I have several people that send me their goal achieving worksheet and say, hey, would you please hold me accountable? I don't. I don't have faith that I'll keep on with this and I'm like, oh, I got you. I got you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I know, yeah, don't you worry about it. And it's funny when you think about that, like how much we need each other because people are pleading with you to just hold me accountable, like because they just don't trust themselves. And that's the whole point of having a game plan and a system that goes beyond your thoughts and that's why we're so passionate about talking about this stuff, at least for me. I've always had such a low ceiling over my life that if I, if it weren't for goal achieving, I wouldn't be anywhere near where I'm at. And so you're over years, setting these goals and achieving them have radically impacted my life. And you know the making sure we're hitting all the buckets of the life. So work, career, family, physical, spiritual you've got to have some personal ones, like those are the buckets. And then the types of goals each year that I set, our consistency goals, which you can do it as the person you are today, you just have to keep showing up. And then stretch goals that the consistency goals can feed. Which stretch goals are goals that I can't achieve with who I am today, but with some consistency and effort I can potentially get there. And so much like how you just shocked me with some goal setting. I'm going to shock you if you haven't seen it on the DM list, like typically I'm known for the audacious physical goals like I'm going to go do this and people like you're insane, and so that's kind of played out for me. I'm going to do it right.

Speaker 2:

I got consistency goals in the physical bucket 250 workouts, 5010 case, a no snacking past eight. That was the little Debbie comment earlier, because I've learned that when I create new habits or when I break old habits, I create new habits. So last year was the first time in my journey of getting to 10% body fat those last year stretch goal. I got there, but I started this new evening snacking thing that I've never done before. So now this year there's no snacking after eight and if I do it I have a 5k penalty.

Speaker 2:

So somehow, some way I got to fit a 5k into my schedule that's already blown to pieces which I've already had to run to so and it's very difficult to fit into my calendar. So it's like I'm going to keep my fat butt out of the little Debbie drawer and just sleep through the night. But this year. So I started really evaluating, like I don't want to look back at my life and be like oh cool, you did all this physical stuff. What about the whole person you know? And so I've been focusing more on family and focused more on family this year and now this year. In the personal bucket, my consistency goal that's a wild card is singing lessons and the stretch goal is leading a worship song at church.

Speaker 1:

Oh my gosh, that is a total curveball man.

Speaker 2:

So you didn't know that until I just said it.

Speaker 1:

No, I did not know it, so you just said it. Does that mean I'm not reading the DMs that well?

Speaker 2:

Oh, 100%, but that makes for a better podcast episode.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's funny because I do look at them every day, but I've, you know, not like stop down, study them every day, and I might have skipped one and nine, and then, but yeah, that's amazing, can you sing it all?

Speaker 2:

Not really. No, it's going to be Russ. And so Sam, my pastor on New Year's Eve he's a good buddy too. He called me at seven o'clock because he had my goal achieving work seed. He called me 7pm New Year's Eve and he's like dude, are you sure about this goal? Are you sure you want to come through with it? Like I don't think you can do it. Like I don't think it's a great idea. We got to protect the brand, all this sort of stuff. He sounded genuinely concerned with it and he was either playing like leadership chess with me because he knew that put a chip on my shoulder to take it serious. But, as you are well aware, I don't need that chip, but it's like no, it's staying. It told me that I was right, where I needed to be with the weird kind of stretch goals in my life. It's just not the physical bucket this year.

Speaker 1:

I want to know how that's going, because I don't doubt that you can and will do it, but not like not knowing you to be a singer, that's like.

Speaker 2:

That's just such a curveball, just such a curveball, and, as you know, I spend months coming up with these, and so I had like a three item thing. It was singing, like line dancing so we can go dancing like Billy Bob's with Sadie and playing the piano, and out of those three, singing scared me the most, so I had to start with it. And so January's bananas there's. We talked about it twice, I think already on this episode, but I can't formalize anything other than singing in the car and just finding out just how bad I am. But I start lessons Wednesday, february 7th. Okay, one-on-one coaching. So I'm in, I'm spending money on it, I'm spending time on it, I'm spending consistency and effort on it. I'm in.

Speaker 1:

You know, ashley and I talk sometimes about how I wonder if the kids, specifically, but like they, have some unique talent that we didn't even know to attempt to cultivate, and maybe they are all like concerto opera singers and we don't even know it. Maybe that's you man, maybe, maybe, yeah, maybe it's just a diamond in the rough. You're going to get that thing sharpened up and we're all going to be headed to, uh, what's it called the fancy place in New York City I can't think of the name of it right now Radio Music Hall. No, that's Nashville. Uh, huh, radio Music Hall, I think is in New York too, but I'm thinking about, um, it's like a center for performing arts. It's more of a you know violin and operas than it is, uh, the Rockettes.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm going to make Pavarotti sound like a subway singer by the end of this year. Okay, I'm absolutely kidding, it's going to be ruthless yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I've heard some really good subway singers too, so that's even that too. You know you're stressed. Go, okay, see a church. That's good. Just been a bit trying out for America's Got Talent. That's what it should have been, oh man.

Speaker 2:

That's brutal. So good, here are some gnomes after belting out some true trying to really really sing in the car, try this on your next ride, solo, like try to truly sing. Uh huh, what I, what I found out, is like I could whisper, like I could whisper, sing, medium sing or, like boisterous and of joking, sing loud, but like you cannot connect those three dots, like there's no range whatsoever. So when I try to go from like one sound to the next sound, it's brutal. So we're, we're. It's kind of like zero to marathon.

Speaker 2:

You know, I bought the running shoes. That's as far as I've made it. Let's see where we go. Where we go, that's so good, but I'm excited for the other things, like physical check. I should have those. This one is way outside of my comfort zone. And then I got two family trips on there, which is forcing me to think early and often about it. We already have a ski trip booked for next month and none of us or I haven't been skiing before. Quinn hasn't been skiing before, and it's just. You know. Again, I don't want to look back at my life and see that I've only focused on work, or only focused on work and physical. I want to look back. When I have those rock and tear moments it's like, yeah, you gave a lot of things a chance. Man, you know you write your family first. They felt that you know, like there's a Quinto lunch once a month on there. Take Sadie on a date once a month on there. Like doing those things continuously Is how I make sure life is Lived fully.

Speaker 1:

You know well and and there's some, there's some. I don't remember where I read it or heard about it. I want to say it was the Huberman podcast, but there's. There is some Part of your brain that you know.

Speaker 1:

They say, as you get older, life tends to speed up, which I think is true, but the neuroscience behind why that's true generally is because you perceive Experiences that you've had before at a faster clip than new experiences, and so the gist of it, the gist of the theory, is people who are always doing new things or having new experiences, or deciding they're gonna learn how to sing when they're in their stories, like they, their lives feel longer because they're always having these new experiences as opposed to no, I get up and do this and drink my coffee and put a tablespoon of this and go to work and sit in this chair and then, all of a sudden, 40 years fly by like boom. So not only is there some rocking chair moment of looking back and saying I don't want to have been just focused on these things, I think there is, for you and for your family, the ability, with all these new things, to begin to elongate the perception of the time that we do have here.

Speaker 2:

So there's a couple of things going on there, man dude, that's rich and timely, because we're just exiting a two-day strategy session for mountain over facades and Laying out that we did do yearly goals, like we always do, but for the first time we did three, five and ten year big be eggs. So big, hairy, audacious goals, yeah. And Looking at the three and fives, it's like guys, look, it's already January 24. Like the end, like the end of this three year be hag is only the end of 2026, like that's gonna be here in a flash. I can't. Why don't? Don't look at that as burdensome, that that's so far away. Look at how close it really is. So, and if you, berman, said it, that means it's backed by science.

Speaker 1:

So Well, don't somebody fact check me on that? I think it was humor, but it definitely was a scholarly article. It wasn't just some random nonsense website. It was a reputable neuroscience related article that I read. So If it ain't, if it ain't here, man, my bad. But also if you're not watching, you remember listening here when you should go. Do that also, Andrew. Right, andrew, here, man.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he's an absolute beast man. Yeah, every time I've listened to an episode of it, it's just, it's so engaging and Intelligent. My goodness like yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's just unbelievable. All right, so we we have the car ride home episode, which is awesome. I love this new idea, but also what that means is our timing gets a little jumbled up. I have no idea how long we've been going, but I'm home, though I don't know if we have, I get sent for a minute, we have other stuff, or I don't know where we are in the episode or if we want a rapper what man?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think. Just recap Get those thoughts and wishes out of your brain and on the paper. Right, so have some goals for the year for yourself, for your family, for your future, for your company, for all the buckets of your life. Come up with a tracking mechanism. So don't don't say be more, be better, like it's got to be quantifiable. Come up with something that I'm going to do this X number of times or whatever the case may be. Share it with somebody, just like Stuart and his daughter Stella, like they're holding each other accountable because they're walking through something together and they have a unified goal. Find an accountability partner and then, once you have that game plan, just execute it repeatedly. It's simple, yet difficult for so many. Get it on paper, get it tracking. Well, after me, hold you accountable and follow through on this will be your best year. Yeah, just keep up with it.

Speaker 2:

Don't let this don't, don't let the fire that goes out every single year for every single one of us be the reason why you stop chasing your goals.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I've heard a few people myself included, a little bit sort of repeat the mantra that 24 is going to be the best year ever. And I mean, I think there's something to it if you, if you put something to it. Or there's nothing to it if it's just words, you say you know, but there's something to it if you do something about it. So it's a good reminder for everybody as we kick off, or kick off into, I guess, sort of mid January. Get yourself back on the goal that you fell off of and have some ideas on how to keep track of all it, so that this is so the 24 is the best year ever. You got it All right, man. Well, we will catch up again next week. And for your listeners out there, y'all stay out there and keep moving mountains.

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